Thursday, December 24, 2009

I wrote a new blog today. Please read it.

It's Christmas time again

Another Christmas is here. Family time, stress, memories of time past and present. This Christmas so far will go down in the books of one of Love, Frustration and Anger. First off the Love is for may family and friends. The frustration and anger is directed a people who don't have a clue and treat human beings as disposable items because things are a little tough. To make a long story short last night was an emotional roller coaster for all of us. Watching Jessie say goodby to a friend who she has know all of her life was the hardest thing I believe I have ever witnessed. The friend DID NOT DIE or anything of that nature just moved away under circumstances that could of and should have been totally avoided if there was love and caring. I understand that I can not change what happened. What I can do is Love, Laugh and Care. (we love you Sarah)
Next I want to wish Merry Christmas to my friends at Addison Fire Department. It is truly a pleasure and honor to know and work with each and every one of you.
To my River Grove guys. Merry Christmas and I miss seeing you on a daily basis. Know that I am here at least cyberly.
To those of you who may be sick or on DD. May you beat whatever ailment you have and get back to doing what you love. We pray for your recovery every night and know that these things will be curred.
To those friends that I have not seen in a while may I pass along peace and Merry Christmas greetings.
And finally to my family. I love you more than life it self.
Chris is one hell of firefighter I am proud of him daily.  Stay low and move fast.
Jessie my daughter who I love so much and will do ANYTHING to protect her and make her happy.
Karen my wife, my best friend I love you will all my heart. You are the best thing in my life ever.
In closing let me say that Christmas is a time or joy. Keep your family close, pray for those who need happiness.

Merry Christmas


Sunday, December 13, 2009

I think it was a touchdown for Green Bay. Refs blew that one....
Devon Hester is out for an injury. BUT YET he is wearing one of those nasal strips. A breathing issue? Or just stupid.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Let it snow let it snow.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thinking of friends who are hurting and feeling less than adequate.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

If you are into photography look at this. What a way to spend 100 days.
If I have as much stuff as Chris I am so screwed.
Testing from pingle to all blogs.
Helping Chris move today. His own place. Very nice.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Read my blog here.....

Thoughts after travel

My family and I are finally home from a day of travel from seeing my folks. Lets see one rental car, one bus, one plane, one bus, one ride home after 70.00 to park. And that was the good part of the day.

Being with Karen and Jess were the best part of the day but I digress.

People are fu-king stupid. The morning started in the ticket line with the Clampets who decided to to repack their entire 28 suitcases because there were overweight. Oh wait the smallest Clampet topped off at 300 lbs. Thank god they were not coming to Chicago. Sorry if I offend Jed and Granny. We next venture to the flight. Very smooth very nice. Good drinks and snacks. People however are say it with me IDIOTS. Lets bring in suit cases or shall I say crap cases that are so full crap that they don't fit into the storage bin, lets talk about people that cannot follow SIMPLE instructions like sit down. Wake up people rules are ment for everyone not just those who elect to follow them. Note to women who are cute or think they are cute, being stupid and self centered is not an excuse for being stupid. As far as men you are not exempt if you have cell phone we don't care. Make you damn phone call and shut the hell up. Your life, your job, your existence does not matter that you hae a cell phone and cal talk to a 300 lb women at the other end who you think is hot and your slave. Dude get a life. Know gives a crap you have a cell phone job or thinks you are important.

Now that the rant is over time to be serious. If you have not seen the movie Blind Side. GO SEE IT!!! Yes it is sappy but it tells a deeper story of how messed up this world is and how we all have to get our collective heads out of our asses and start doing things to make this world better. Everyone should have someone to care about and care about them. I am blessed to have family and friends that I care about and care about me.
This is the season to be happy and blessed and I am.

Love to all



Saturday, November 28, 2009

Utah is nice. Going to movie with family today. Having a good time.....

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Awake and functional. Trim remounted. Cakes done and need to vacuum. I need a nap LOL

Friday, November 13, 2009

Bill and Walter were great tonight. Good times good memories.
A new blog

Photography and other issues of the week.

Well a quiet nught at home. Jess is at a friends and Karen is comatose in bed. She is working like a mad women at work and just needed time to crash. Nite swettie I love you. I wanted to take this opertunity to remind everyone to think of the service personal that were killed by by a lunatic. Know that this type of crap needs to stop and stop now.
On a lighter note as most of know I am into photography. I am costantly looking for new websites and yes shooting photos. Below you will find my flickr photo stream and above that the best photo I believe I have ever taken. It was taken at a fund raiser for the Addison Fire Fighters Association. I figured I have to shoot daily to get better. I will post things as I shoot them. Stay tuned....


Sunday, November 1, 2009

New blog posting at

Sunday is a good day for a blog update.

Well Sunday and the Bears believe it or not WON! How it happend was pure dumb luck. I am about 70% after what I think was a bout of H1N1. I called it H2NSPOO but don't feel that miserable. I ended up working alone all last week and had what I would call an above average week. Got to start the process of closing a Child Care center that has been a disaster for 10 years plus, make some decissions on fire prevention because I was the boss at least in my Deputy Eyes. Even had a good save on a cardiac walk in. 
My photography shooting has slowed down a little as it has been slower than hell fire wise. I am finding lots of photos on line and trying to learn the tips and tricks from the accomplished photographers. I currently has things posted on There is a photostream at the bottom of this page. I need to do some more photo editing of photos that I have taken. Of course bitching about it and NOT doing it is worse than doing it. I have an mutiple protable hard drives that need to be gone through. 
Well time to go back and get some work done. Stay safe and kiss the ones you love.

Till later 


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Long time no type

Sorry it has been so long since I posted a blog. To say I have been busy is an understatement. Illness has sidelined me for a couple of days. Since my pneumonia episode of 7 years ago any respiatory ailement knocks me on my ass. I hate and I do mean hate being off work. I grew up with a strong work ethic. I know being off is the best but it does drive me crazy. Since I last posted in July mutiple things have happen. I have been on a family vacation with Karen and Jess. My full time job has experienced a change in management that I strongly believe will be a good thing for the department as a hole. My passion for photography has grown and I am shooting more for both myself and my fire department. Find my work on Facebook and Flickr. Being the new father of a 15 year old girl in an entire new experience in frustruation and love. I have surrvived homecomming and the required photos and planning that only the US Military can out preform.
I am teaching fire investingation photography this week and helped with a great class last month. Fire Investigation photography is what I love. I have a couple of web sites to look at. One is the other is firegroundactionphotography which has a flickr page.
Well I am going to bed now and will post more soon.....

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pleae read this it is from my friend Doug Cummings

My friend Jim Goldman, retired Chief of Police at Great Lakes Naval Training Center, forwarded this to me.

I thought it was worth including here.

From: Steve Morgan 
> Subject: FW: Band of Brothers Hero 
> Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 16:22:48 -0500 

Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 16:47:02 -0400 
> Subject: Band of Brothers Hero 
> From: 
> To: 

>We're hearing a lot these days about big splashy memorial services. 

> I want a nationwide memorial service for Darrell "Shifty" Powers. 

>Shifty volunteered for the airborne in WWII and served with Easy Company of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, part of the 101st Airborne Infantry. If you've seen Band of Brothers on HBO or the History Channel, you know Shifty. His character appears in all 10 episodes, and Shifty himself is interviewed in 
several of them. 

> I met Shifty in the Philadelphia airport several years ago. I didn't know who 
he was at the time. I just saw an elderly gentleman having trouble reading his 
ticket. I offered to help, assured him that he was at the right gate, and 
noticed the "Screaming Eagle", the symbol of the 101st Airborne, on his hat. 

> Making conversation, I asked him if he'd been in the 101st Airborne or if his 
son was serving. He said quietly that he had been in the 101st. I thanked him 
for his service, then asked him when he served, and how many jumps he made. 

> Quietly and humbly, he said "Well, I guess I signed up in 1941 or so, and was 
in until sometime in 1945 .. . . " at which point my heart skipped. 

> At that point, again, very humbly, he said "I made the 5 training jumps at 
Toccoa, and then jumped into Normandy . . . . do you know where Normandy is?" At 
this point my heart stopped. 

> I told him yes, I know exactly where Normandy was, and I know what D-Day was. 
At that point he said "I also made a second jump into Holland, into Arnhem." I 
was standing with a genuine war hero . . . . and then I realized that it was 
June, just after the anniversary of D-Day. 

> I asked Shifty if he was on his way back from France, and he said "Yes. And 
it's real sad because these days so few of the guys are left, and those that 
are, lots of them can't make the trip." My heart was in my throat and I didn't 
know what to say. 

> I helped Shifty get onto the plane and then realized he was back in Coach, 
while I was in First Class. I sent the flight attendant back to get him and said 
that I wanted to switch seats. When Shifty came forward, I got up out of the 
seat and told him I wanted him to have it, that I'd take his in coach. 

> He said "No, son, you enjoy that seat. Just knowing that there are still some 
who remember what we did and still care is enough to make an old man very 
happy." His eyes were filling up as he said it. And mine are brimming up now as 
I write this. 

> Shifty died on June 17 after fighting cancer.

> There was no parade. 

> No big event in Staples Center. 

> No wall to wall back to back 24x7 news coverage. 

> No weeping fans on television. 

> And that's not right. 

> Let's give Shifty his own Memorial Service, online, in our own quiet way. 
Please forward this email to everyone you know. Especially to the veterans. 

> Rest in peace, Shifty.

Mark Spoo
Fire Inspector
Addison Fire Protection District
10 S. Addison Road
Addison, Illinois 60101
(630) 628-3100
Sent from handheld device. 

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July, Hurt Friends

Well this has been a non-stop weekend. Taylor was here and now gone. Downtown, Great America, Cub Game and Family Party. With all of that I need a week off from my weekend off. Fire works were a dud yesterday due to the weather. Lets see what we get tonight. Hit 2 small rain showers on the way home from the Cubs game.
I am sadden by the injury of a Fire Fighter/Medic from Chicago FD. I know him from his work with the fire department that I work part time. It sounds like things went to crap in a house fire. He is in the hospital getting the best care around.
Facebook seeming to be the newest form of communication is reporting that he is "OK" and will recover. Regardless of what you hear or read I ask that you take a moment to think not only of AL but everyone that gives their lives, and time, and sacrifice so others can be free.
Get well soon AL we are all pulling for you and your family.


Friday, June 26, 2009

Read this link

Janet Dahl has said what I feel to a "t". Please read this.

Events of the week

I am struck by the fixation of death  of "famous" people. People demanding that Micheal Jackson be buried in Gary so the town of Gary can be like Memphis with the corpse of Elvis in the dirt there. I feel nausea when I hear how people want to capitalize on the death of a person. They are DEAD!!!  I really don't think after they are dead where their remains go. Family, friends and money will dictate what happens. I know when my time comes I want a simple, dignified service without all the crap that goes with it.
There were a number of deaths that went unreported this week. Mutiple military personal, a firefighter paramedic killed while on vacation with his family. Lets think about what counts.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fathers Day 2009

The weekend is over and goes so fast. Had a wonderful weekend with Karen. It is the kind of rehab I needed. I sit quietly in my man cave just thinking, wishing and writing. In my quest to become a better photographer I am following the works of Peter Souza. He is the White House Photographer for Mr. Obama and Mr. Regan. I wish I could emulate him more is what I shoot. He must put in the longest hours in history. You can follow his work at
I know I need to shoot more and not just carry the stupid camera. I guess the better thing is the stupid photographer should shoot more. I did some this weekend and will post a couple.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


As most of you know I am in the fire service as an inspector. One of the fire fighters for my department last day of working is today. Les put in 30 that is right 30 years in one town. When I was young and only aspired to be a firefighter I dreamed of working for 30 years. Well as life would have it I most likely will never put 30 years in the fire service full time. I sit is silent respect of those people.  The knowledge that these people have, the history these folks can provide cannot be just swept under the carpet and forgotten. Shake the had of someone with that much time and tell them THANK YOU. Sit and learn from them. 
In closing Les thanks for 30 years of dedicated service. Enjoy your retirement you deserve it. Stay close however us new guys need to pick your brain every once and a while.  

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Today is my birthday. Facebook and Twitter have been beeping with family and friends wishing me a happy birthday and THANK YOU. My birthday has never fallen this close to Memorial Day. As I have gotten older I am more appreciative of the work and sacrifice of others. People that have lost their lives for standing up for what their country called them for. People that have changed their lives for others and people that I have looked up to. I am blessed with a wonderful wife, a son that I am more that proud of and a daughter that I love incredibly.
All I really want for my birthday at any time is total happiness AND I HAVE THAT!!
Do me a favor don't get me a gift but if you see a VETERAN, A SERVICE PERSON say "THANK YOU" buy them a beer, pay for their lunch. There service is more valuable than anything.


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Being a news hound

Between wanting to be a firefighter when I was younger I also wanted to be a newspaper photographer. I did string for a while for Pioneer Press and met some great people and learned alot. I even had a couple of photos published in the Times and Trib. I am a news junkie. Yes I listen to WGN and the news channels on XM radio. (ok and elvis when I want to sing) For those of you that remember the TV show Lou Grant I always wanted to be the photographer ANIMAL. It makes me sad that news papers especially are having a hard time in this financial hard times. I love reading and viewing the photos from around the world on various news sites. If you want to see something cool go to It is part of the Boston Globe it is really cool. I know computers have changed what and how we look at newspapers and news in general. I will keep shooting and having fun. Who knows maybe I will get published again one day....
Thought I would add this photo. It is of Chris when he was young....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sense of Responsibility

When are people going to take Responsibility?
Today I found a trailer full of tires. Seems that your an my electric company ComED owns the property that this trailer sits on is a right away for electric power lines. So far 3 phone calls and no response. Oh ya did I tell you that this trailer of tires sits directly under a set of high power lines. Now when I say hight power I am talking about 60,000 volts at enough amps to at least make your hair curl. Not to mention that if this thing does burn who knows how much or many people and business will be without power.
Have you ever noticed that ComED will shut your power off in a heartbeat but when it comes to ComED being responsible it does not happen. Another inspector I work with called them the ultimate slum lord and I agree.

Monday, April 20, 2009

I was the instructor for photography in fire investigation today through COD today.
It was a great class seemed that everyone got something out of it today. I wish I could do more investigations. I should get off my ass and call D/C Adler about the part time gig.
Sitting on couch watching silly sitcoms. My sister is coming out the same time my folks are.
I am at a point in my life where things have come together both professionally and personally. Work has been rather interesting. Still same issues of not thinking outside of the box. I look at it this way. It is a job I love and after 30 years of trying I am not going to rock the boat too much.
Karen and I met Chris's girl friend this weekend and she is real nice. As Chris says "a women who knows more about cars than I do" Not a bad thing. They make a cute couple and Chris and Liz appear very happy.
On a side note I burnt the hell out of my bald head on Friday. Between the burn and CPAP head hurt like hell. Now the peeling and and itching. Going to let the hair grow out for a week or so and then re-shave. Pizza for dinner tonight.
More later.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

Sunday morning Easter in fact. Sitting on the couch, drinking coffee, watching Karen cook breakfast. Rusty is sleeping in his usual place and Jess is in bed "sleeping in".
Facebook and my email inbox are filled with Easter greetings. Being raised Lutheran my brain tells me I should be in church. My heart says sit quietly and be thankful for being saved. In my own unique way I am very thankful for being saved but more thankful for the life I have. My wife and new daughter. My son who is kicking ass as the best firefighter and paramedic I know. My job yes with all the bitching I do about it I LOVE IT. I have the world by the tail and love it.

There is on being I would like to thank for all of this. You know who you are. Thanks.........

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Well I am back. (kind of)

Karen is out grocery shopping and me and the dog are on the couch. I really should get off my dead ass and get some work done. I guess more I have re-thought my anger of the last week. Work really has not changed. The same issues good and bad are still there. Of course the weather does not help. I still feel alone with 5 others working in the same division but it is what it is. The big thing is I HAVE A JOB and insurance. It pays well and I do have fun.
They keep on talking about the weather. Seems that there was a snow storm last night. Looks like up north got hit bad. I am looking at the lawn that has just a dusting.

More later


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Yes I know it has been a while. Finding time to post on a regular basis is hard. I do update Facebook but not as much as I should either.
I have been preoccupied with death of others. The 10 year old in Evanston, Eddie Schwartz, and others related to my job.
I aggree with the Mother if the 10 year old from Evanston there had to be some foul play of some sort. What is gods name could cause a 10 year old to want to kill himself?
Eddie Schwartz is a sad case. At one point he was paid so well died penniless. Dialysis and medical bills do drain a bank account but did he really need to die. I think he just gave up. Eddie had a big heart and a big ego. I think when he got bounced from LUP it was the beginning of the end.
Death is part of life but sometimes it just sucks. I love listening to radio at night. Yes I have a cheap radio next to my bed and still get excited when I hear WLW or WTMJ or any other station from out of Chicago. Thanks to the internet and an Iphone I can listen to a whole bunch of radio stations. I hate pre programmed pre packaged radio. There is no effort to it.
If you get a chance take a read on Janets Planet on I wish I could write like her...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

It's been a while since I posted. I look forward to reading blogs like Steve Dahl and others. It is disappointing when they don't post on a regular basis. I now understand about time or the lack of time. Between working and working and family time is not on our side. I have only been at the gym twice this week and sorry it is just to fricking cold to walk outside. I saw a lady yesterday with her dog play Frisbee in the park. She was dressed warmly but damn it was cold out.
Changing subjects here.
It has been President Obama's first week and guess what? The world has not come to an end. Chitlins and pork fat are not the new american staple. Economy still SUCKS people are out of work business are closed and people are hurting. Do things need to be fixed now? HELL YES!! Is it going to happen?? HELL NO. Things like this take time. People have place a lot of stock in what the president wants to do. I think the one thing that Mr. Obama has not communicated is the length of time this recovery is going to take. Some seem to think a year I am a bit more pragmatic and think it will be 2 to 5 years.

Well enough for now. I will like Steve try to write something daily or at least do my best.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Where does the weekend go???

Seems that it was just Friday night with the weekend ahead of us. Now it is 5:15 and the weekend is over or at least almost. Got a lot done this weekend but could use about another 48hours to do more. My man cave is progressing but slowly. Every time I go in there I see something else that needs to be addressed. Karen is watching football. Arizona is beating the Eagles. I want so much just to relax. House is clean no thanks to me. I was out looking at TV's today. Jessie was supposed to have a boy over for dinner tonight. In the last 10 minutes things have changed with him coming over and not coming over. Apparently his parents were never consulted on the visit.
Well we will see how things turn out.
Looking forward to work this week (NOT) the frozen sprinkler pipes are going to be fun. Seems that things are slow there. The emails are down and radio is quiet.
More later.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

It is cold today

Well made it to work without incident. Cold outside. Right now temp is 14 BELOW ZERO.
Boss called off sick again, and again, and again, and again. Big bosses at meetings. Busy today but not to bad.
Seems Roland Burris is being sworn in by Dick Cheney. Stay low Roland Dick is a bad shot.
I can only imagine what is going through Obama's head right now. "What the hell am I doing?????"
I think I have too many clothes on I am hot as heck.
Taking a line from Steve D. Wonder if Ricardo Motelbon is being buried in rich Corinthian leather????

Monday, January 12, 2009

Snow and Cold

I sit in the house alone. Jess and Karen on their way home from an orthodontist appointment. It is quiet dog sleeping beside me on the couch. PBJ for dinner. It has snowed with a 2 1/2 drive home tonight. Should have taken Karens advice and stayed at work. It is nice just to sit and crash. Supposed to be cold tomorrow. Had to find all the long johns. Wish I was somewhere warm right now.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Well traffic sucked last night.
It is ashamed that 3 kids died needlessly on the southside of Chicago yesterday. Smoke detectors no batteries. When are people going to wake up?
Seems that politics being what it is remains unchanged. Rolland thinking he is the great Senator from Illinois. Don't you think once you are a registered lobbyist that should disqualify you from holding public office?
Today is looking better with the sun out.

More Later

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Another morning of fun and BS

Well another day of driving with idiots. Nuff said

At least I am on the street today. Beats the office any time.

Can someone tell me why Blaggo is still in office? Although it does not surprise me that he is. Can any government official make a decision?

Well lets see who ticks me off today..

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

People + Snow = STUPID

I guess I should preface this by saying that I am in the Emergency Service Industry.
It started to snow about 8am by 803am the radio was screaming of accidents upon accidents. WHY???? PEOPLE ARE FRICKING STIPID!!!! When cars and trucks were made they did not come with 4wheel STOP. Slow the hell down. No one will die because you missed your 10am cigarette and latte. In my town alone there were 5 accidents from STUPID people. Watch Youtube and watch the idiots on the expressway doing 70 and not being able to stop.

Wake the hell up people.......

I am sort of a creature of habit. I kind of do the same thing day after day. Although I try to work out schedules as they are I don't get to it as much as I should. As I sit waiting for may day at work to begin I surf the major Chicago Papers. It is remarkable on how much they are the same. Steve Dahl's blog this morning was nice. It makes me think of the things I want to say. As time permits I will add more. I am trying to figure out if using my IPhone would help in adding more to my blog. I guess we will see.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Starting a new

I have decieded to try blogging as a way to put my feelings on digital paper with interspersed will be photos.