Tuesday, June 2, 2009


As most of you know I am in the fire service as an inspector. One of the fire fighters for my department last day of working is today. Les put in 30 that is right 30 years in one town. When I was young and only aspired to be a firefighter I dreamed of working for 30 years. Well as life would have it I most likely will never put 30 years in the fire service full time. I sit is silent respect of those people.  The knowledge that these people have, the history these folks can provide cannot be just swept under the carpet and forgotten. Shake the had of someone with that much time and tell them THANK YOU. Sit and learn from them. 
In closing Les thanks for 30 years of dedicated service. Enjoy your retirement you deserve it. Stay close however us new guys need to pick your brain every once and a while.  

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