Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July, Hurt Friends

Well this has been a non-stop weekend. Taylor was here and now gone. Downtown, Great America, Cub Game and Family Party. With all of that I need a week off from my weekend off. Fire works were a dud yesterday due to the weather. Lets see what we get tonight. Hit 2 small rain showers on the way home from the Cubs game.
I am sadden by the injury of a Fire Fighter/Medic from Chicago FD. I know him from his work with the fire department that I work part time. It sounds like things went to crap in a house fire. He is in the hospital getting the best care around.
Facebook seeming to be the newest form of communication is reporting that he is "OK" and will recover. Regardless of what you hear or read I ask that you take a moment to think not only of AL but everyone that gives their lives, and time, and sacrifice so others can be free.
Get well soon AL we are all pulling for you and your family.


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