Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Long time no type

Sorry it has been so long since I posted a blog. To say I have been busy is an understatement. Illness has sidelined me for a couple of days. Since my pneumonia episode of 7 years ago any respiatory ailement knocks me on my ass. I hate and I do mean hate being off work. I grew up with a strong work ethic. I know being off is the best but it does drive me crazy. Since I last posted in July mutiple things have happen. I have been on a family vacation with Karen and Jess. My full time job has experienced a change in management that I strongly believe will be a good thing for the department as a hole. My passion for photography has grown and I am shooting more for both myself and my fire department. Find my work on Facebook and Flickr. Being the new father of a 15 year old girl in an entire new experience in frustruation and love. I have surrvived homecomming and the required photos and planning that only the US Military can out preform.
I am teaching fire investingation photography this week and helped with a great class last month. Fire Investigation photography is what I love. I have a couple of web sites to look at. One is www.strobist.com the other is firegroundactionphotography which has a flickr page.
Well I am going to bed now and will post more soon.....

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