Sunday, January 25, 2009

It's been a while since I posted. I look forward to reading blogs like Steve Dahl and others. It is disappointing when they don't post on a regular basis. I now understand about time or the lack of time. Between working and working and family time is not on our side. I have only been at the gym twice this week and sorry it is just to fricking cold to walk outside. I saw a lady yesterday with her dog play Frisbee in the park. She was dressed warmly but damn it was cold out.
Changing subjects here.
It has been President Obama's first week and guess what? The world has not come to an end. Chitlins and pork fat are not the new american staple. Economy still SUCKS people are out of work business are closed and people are hurting. Do things need to be fixed now? HELL YES!! Is it going to happen?? HELL NO. Things like this take time. People have place a lot of stock in what the president wants to do. I think the one thing that Mr. Obama has not communicated is the length of time this recovery is going to take. Some seem to think a year I am a bit more pragmatic and think it will be 2 to 5 years.

Well enough for now. I will like Steve try to write something daily or at least do my best.


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