Monday, April 20, 2009

I was the instructor for photography in fire investigation today through COD today.
It was a great class seemed that everyone got something out of it today. I wish I could do more investigations. I should get off my ass and call D/C Adler about the part time gig.
Sitting on couch watching silly sitcoms. My sister is coming out the same time my folks are.
I am at a point in my life where things have come together both professionally and personally. Work has been rather interesting. Still same issues of not thinking outside of the box. I look at it this way. It is a job I love and after 30 years of trying I am not going to rock the boat too much.
Karen and I met Chris's girl friend this weekend and she is real nice. As Chris says "a women who knows more about cars than I do" Not a bad thing. They make a cute couple and Chris and Liz appear very happy.
On a side note I burnt the hell out of my bald head on Friday. Between the burn and CPAP head hurt like hell. Now the peeling and and itching. Going to let the hair grow out for a week or so and then re-shave. Pizza for dinner tonight.
More later.


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