Friday, November 13, 2009

Photography and other issues of the week.

Well a quiet nught at home. Jess is at a friends and Karen is comatose in bed. She is working like a mad women at work and just needed time to crash. Nite swettie I love you. I wanted to take this opertunity to remind everyone to think of the service personal that were killed by by a lunatic. Know that this type of crap needs to stop and stop now.
On a lighter note as most of know I am into photography. I am costantly looking for new websites and yes shooting photos. Below you will find my flickr photo stream and above that the best photo I believe I have ever taken. It was taken at a fund raiser for the Addison Fire Fighters Association. I figured I have to shoot daily to get better. I will post things as I shoot them. Stay tuned....


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