Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years Resolutions I hope to keep.

I always say that I am going to blog more well failing miserably again I am going to try harder.
I have a new love or interest in photography It has become a passion. I am a follower of some some of the best photojournalists in the world and some are right here is Chicago. My lovely and loving wife has bestowed on me some great Christmas presents that enhance my photographic passion. All of them are books and DVD's but what is great it lets me see what is being done by others and get some insight of what my " style" is. 
I believe it is a photojournalistic so we shall see. I will post more photos that I take also. 
Please feel free to comment on what you see.

There was a fund raiser for Mike Cassanave last night. For those of you that don't know Mike he was a great medic and fire fighter who is on a medical disability that lost his house to a fire on 12-23-10. Mike his wife and kids are all fine however the house is toasted. We were just some firefighters and medics trying to do some good. 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Well it is about time I blog again.

I won an award for doing what I love. Yearly the Village of Addison fraternal, civic and local organizations hold a police and fire awards night. It is a very nice dinner and program. Well it turns I was presented with a citizens award for doing what I love to do is take photographs. Everyone has a niche in life and I guess mine is me and my Nikon. I have always taken photos and love to learn as much as I can about photography.
I take the photos I shoot and post them to my MAC web site for those to look and and download. I don't charge for them by any means as I do it because I love it.
I would like to thank the people that nominated me and the groups that approved the award. Doing a job you love is the first reward of life, the second in being recognized for what I do.


Monday, August 16, 2010


Well it has been a rather trying couple of weeks. For those of you that did not know my friend and coworker Tony lost his valiant battle with cancer. He past and was laid to rest with full honors. Last week a Chicago firefighter was killed falling from a ladder. The funeral was huge and fitting with full honors. While I did not know Chris Wheatly from what I understand he was a stand up guy and gave 150% to what he did on and off the job. After Chris and Tony's death there was a large discussion at stations and on social network  sites about brotherhood.

Well here comes Marks opinion.
Brotherhood is NOT a card you get or money you pay for joining a organization that "looks out for your best interest", or a group of people with the same job who think that they are going to get screwed by the "man". Remember that the "man" was a brother before he or she was promoted.
Brotherhood is people who look out and care for each other at work and after their job is done for the day.
Brotherhood is looking out not only for the brother but for their family.
Brotherhood is being there for the good times and in the bad times.
Brotherhood is giving someone a kick in the ass when they are being stupid.
Brotherhood is not thinking or saying "what is in it for me?"
Brotherhood is the guy that will drop everything at any time because a brother called and needed help.
The time, miles, the extent of the favor or cost does not matter a brother needs help.
Ones pride at times clouds the asking for help a brother knows that and even when kicked will be there.
 A brother is  there to help, listen, care and help sometimes when not even asked.  I have a brothers at both jobs. I love them and would do anything for them. I don't walk around and call everyone brother but the feeling in my heart is always there.
I have been seeing a lot of death this last 3 weeks.
What I do know is the men and women I work with are not only co workers they are friends and family. Family helps family. That is the bottom line.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Tony has company.

Another firefighter died today he was 31. I did not know him personally. I do know that he was friends with many of the guys I work with in River Grove. His death an accident from falling but still none the less tragic. I have been in the fire service for 36+ years and fully believe that all firefighters cops and paramedics go to heaven. I will be going to the wake/ walk-through when it is scheduled. Most likely there will be a huge turnout. My hope is that my friend Tony has met Chris and Tony is giving him the size up. God is most likely saying relax boys you have protection to do.
Keep watch over us guys.


Friday, August 6, 2010

And life goes on

It is Friday, I am home in the cave mentally and physically exhausted. I have been working for 3 days taking and editing photos of the Memorial and Funeral of my coworker and friend Tony. ( please see my past blog regarding him). I offered or just decided to take photos of the wake, service and burial. It was a couple of days of tears, laughter, and saying goodbye.  My hope and goal was to give both my Addison and Hometown brothers a way to remember the good we did in laying Tony to rest. I shot and edited the photos in to reflect good taste rather than artistic quality.
I have had facebook postings from photos that I did a good job. I am happy with my results. I guess I am just my part.
I was talking to one of my coworkers today and he thanked me for my work with the photos but gave me something that I will treasure for the rest of my life. The thing that felt the best was when he said that he was giving me this because "I got it" Thanks it is the best compliment I ever received.

Finally; Rest in Peace Tony. I may never be the firefighter you were, but I think I did you proud.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Death loss and going on

A co-worker and friend died Saturday morning. He was 37, and been diagnosed with stage 3 cancer to the bowel. I won't get gory in details but I know after 545am Saturday he is in a better place. His family is very sad and I grieve for their loss more than my own. Work at the station revolves around preparation and planning for services. I work doing my daily thing feeling that the significance of loss has not been fully realized. I am thankful for the love and strength of my family and can only hope that all my friends and coworkers have the support they need.
Tony I am going to miss you. We will help Melissa and best we can. Keep watch over us all.


Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday Last day of vacation

I actually took a week of vacation this week instead of just 3 days. People saying OMG Mark are you sick? No just helping out for Jessie's sweet 16 party.We have girls spending the night and a house and a half of people for tomorrow. Spent some time in Ludington Mi. at the beginning of the week. Met two very interesting photographers (brothers) that do local landscapes and area photography. .  They produce very good work and have workshops. I know they are MAC people. Seeing their work has given me a spark to be creative. I took lots of sun set, boating photos. The USCG had a cutter in port that was being repaired we did not partake in the tour but it was cool seeing what our tax dollars go to. Of course a  Ludington trip would not be complete with out a trip or 2 or 3 or 4 to House of Flavors. A local ice cream parlor and restaurant was fantastic. They specialize in ice cream and roasted turkey.
This was the first vacation I actually felt like I relaxed, you should try it there is nothing better.

The link below are photos from Ludington.

I have decided to slow down and do things to bring out my creative side. Stay tune for photos and more blogging.

<3 tv

Monday, July 19, 2010

Behind the camera weekend

I have been behind the camera all weekend and if I have not been shooting I have been editing. Started Thursday with most likely the hardest photos I have ever taken. Not technically more emotionally. One of my co-workers has cancer and has just been admitted into hospice. For a firefighter who is 37 to be hones THAT SUCKS. I as asked to do some group shots of the Addison guys, the Hometown guys and his motorcycle guys. Photos were fine just was very hard to post process them. Friday was house burns and old golf course that is being re-developed.
It is was cool (no actually hotter than hell). Saturday was photos of my daughter for here sweet 16. Mom is big into photos and it was fun shooting them. Sunday back to the burns for more fun.

The photo to the right is Jessie. Not bad for standing in the Fox River. No flash just having some fun. I would love to do more if I can. I do need some wireless triggers however.
On top of all the photography fun I helped out at the River Grove Duck race. Nothing like being in the Desplains River for 3 hours collecting ducks.

I hope this give you an idea of my week. It was busy and fun and exhausting all at the same time. Stay safe.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The meaning of Fathers Day

We went to the Prairie Fest parade today. It was a good time 60 groups were represented. See my Facebook for photos. This is where the story gets that feel good stage. Next to where Karen and I parked was a gentleman sitting in his car just watching the parade. He was very pleasant, we shared idle chitchat and a bottle or 2 of water. He was alone and kind of "older". I could tell by his appearance that he may have had some medical issues. The O2 tank was a give away. Anyway as the parade ended that last group was a bunch of kids and adults from a Karate school. All of a sudden there as the cry or yell of "Hey Grandpa" The old mans face lit up. It turned out that all this man wanted to do was see his grandson. He waved and was just proud. That is what fathers day is all about. Dads and Kids getting together to have fun and make each other happy.
My daughter was in the parade and I think my face lit up as this old mans face did when Karen and I saw here.
Just a thought for this fathers day...


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dog Hair

I think I just gave my vacuum an enema and got enough hair out to make 2 or 3 dogs. 45 min later my vacuum now sucks. Where does all the hair come from? Over all a good day and evening domestic chores done, photos of try drill shot and look good. Will post some here and on Facebook tomorrow.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What is a fire inspector?

The definition that I learned years ago was the inspector is a tool in the fire service that keeps occupants, residents and even more so their fellow fire fighter safe.
An inspector is the reconnaissance for fire crews before the fire and a resource after the fire to make things better in that building.
An inspector is the problem solver for the building owner, business owners and suppression crews
An inspector is flexible in tasks, time management and decision making
An inspector needs to be able to think on their feet and make decisions that impact from 1 to thousands of people.
The upmost thing is an inspector needs to be human.
This is NOT a job that lets one fulfill a power trip, sense of superiority, or a stepping stone to some political aspirations.
An inspector is one that puts their heart, soul and mind into a job, considers and realizes the outcome of their actions and does what is best for the total good and to keep their fellow firefighters safe.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Greetings to Summer

Well lets see I think I have reached a new low or high in procrastination. It has only been 6 months since my last entry. The Blackhawks have won Lord Stanly's Cup. Jessie is done with her sophomore year of high school. My parents and sister's family has visited. We are now in line for some babysitting of twin 3 year olds and a 5 year old. I will not go into the detail however to just say some people just need to be put out of our misery.  Photography wise it has been rather quiet. Investigations are down and fire prevention has gotten busier.
Will try to update more as things happen

Stay safe
