Monday, August 16, 2010


Well it has been a rather trying couple of weeks. For those of you that did not know my friend and coworker Tony lost his valiant battle with cancer. He past and was laid to rest with full honors. Last week a Chicago firefighter was killed falling from a ladder. The funeral was huge and fitting with full honors. While I did not know Chris Wheatly from what I understand he was a stand up guy and gave 150% to what he did on and off the job. After Chris and Tony's death there was a large discussion at stations and on social network  sites about brotherhood.

Well here comes Marks opinion.
Brotherhood is NOT a card you get or money you pay for joining a organization that "looks out for your best interest", or a group of people with the same job who think that they are going to get screwed by the "man". Remember that the "man" was a brother before he or she was promoted.
Brotherhood is people who look out and care for each other at work and after their job is done for the day.
Brotherhood is looking out not only for the brother but for their family.
Brotherhood is being there for the good times and in the bad times.
Brotherhood is giving someone a kick in the ass when they are being stupid.
Brotherhood is not thinking or saying "what is in it for me?"
Brotherhood is the guy that will drop everything at any time because a brother called and needed help.
The time, miles, the extent of the favor or cost does not matter a brother needs help.
Ones pride at times clouds the asking for help a brother knows that and even when kicked will be there.
 A brother is  there to help, listen, care and help sometimes when not even asked.  I have a brothers at both jobs. I love them and would do anything for them. I don't walk around and call everyone brother but the feeling in my heart is always there.
I have been seeing a lot of death this last 3 weeks.
What I do know is the men and women I work with are not only co workers they are friends and family. Family helps family. That is the bottom line.


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