Sunday, January 25, 2009

It's been a while since I posted. I look forward to reading blogs like Steve Dahl and others. It is disappointing when they don't post on a regular basis. I now understand about time or the lack of time. Between working and working and family time is not on our side. I have only been at the gym twice this week and sorry it is just to fricking cold to walk outside. I saw a lady yesterday with her dog play Frisbee in the park. She was dressed warmly but damn it was cold out.
Changing subjects here.
It has been President Obama's first week and guess what? The world has not come to an end. Chitlins and pork fat are not the new american staple. Economy still SUCKS people are out of work business are closed and people are hurting. Do things need to be fixed now? HELL YES!! Is it going to happen?? HELL NO. Things like this take time. People have place a lot of stock in what the president wants to do. I think the one thing that Mr. Obama has not communicated is the length of time this recovery is going to take. Some seem to think a year I am a bit more pragmatic and think it will be 2 to 5 years.

Well enough for now. I will like Steve try to write something daily or at least do my best.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Where does the weekend go???

Seems that it was just Friday night with the weekend ahead of us. Now it is 5:15 and the weekend is over or at least almost. Got a lot done this weekend but could use about another 48hours to do more. My man cave is progressing but slowly. Every time I go in there I see something else that needs to be addressed. Karen is watching football. Arizona is beating the Eagles. I want so much just to relax. House is clean no thanks to me. I was out looking at TV's today. Jessie was supposed to have a boy over for dinner tonight. In the last 10 minutes things have changed with him coming over and not coming over. Apparently his parents were never consulted on the visit.
Well we will see how things turn out.
Looking forward to work this week (NOT) the frozen sprinkler pipes are going to be fun. Seems that things are slow there. The emails are down and radio is quiet.
More later.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

It is cold today

Well made it to work without incident. Cold outside. Right now temp is 14 BELOW ZERO.
Boss called off sick again, and again, and again, and again. Big bosses at meetings. Busy today but not to bad.
Seems Roland Burris is being sworn in by Dick Cheney. Stay low Roland Dick is a bad shot.
I can only imagine what is going through Obama's head right now. "What the hell am I doing?????"
I think I have too many clothes on I am hot as heck.
Taking a line from Steve D. Wonder if Ricardo Motelbon is being buried in rich Corinthian leather????

Monday, January 12, 2009

Snow and Cold

I sit in the house alone. Jess and Karen on their way home from an orthodontist appointment. It is quiet dog sleeping beside me on the couch. PBJ for dinner. It has snowed with a 2 1/2 drive home tonight. Should have taken Karens advice and stayed at work. It is nice just to sit and crash. Supposed to be cold tomorrow. Had to find all the long johns. Wish I was somewhere warm right now.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Well traffic sucked last night.
It is ashamed that 3 kids died needlessly on the southside of Chicago yesterday. Smoke detectors no batteries. When are people going to wake up?
Seems that politics being what it is remains unchanged. Rolland thinking he is the great Senator from Illinois. Don't you think once you are a registered lobbyist that should disqualify you from holding public office?
Today is looking better with the sun out.

More Later

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Another morning of fun and BS

Well another day of driving with idiots. Nuff said

At least I am on the street today. Beats the office any time.

Can someone tell me why Blaggo is still in office? Although it does not surprise me that he is. Can any government official make a decision?

Well lets see who ticks me off today..

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

People + Snow = STUPID

I guess I should preface this by saying that I am in the Emergency Service Industry.
It started to snow about 8am by 803am the radio was screaming of accidents upon accidents. WHY???? PEOPLE ARE FRICKING STIPID!!!! When cars and trucks were made they did not come with 4wheel STOP. Slow the hell down. No one will die because you missed your 10am cigarette and latte. In my town alone there were 5 accidents from STUPID people. Watch Youtube and watch the idiots on the expressway doing 70 and not being able to stop.

Wake the hell up people.......

I am sort of a creature of habit. I kind of do the same thing day after day. Although I try to work out schedules as they are I don't get to it as much as I should. As I sit waiting for may day at work to begin I surf the major Chicago Papers. It is remarkable on how much they are the same. Steve Dahl's blog this morning was nice. It makes me think of the things I want to say. As time permits I will add more. I am trying to figure out if using my IPhone would help in adding more to my blog. I guess we will see.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Starting a new

I have decieded to try blogging as a way to put my feelings on digital paper with interspersed will be photos.