Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Again people don't get it.

I sat in my local ARES meeting last night a few short presentations on various topics. It is amazing how many " Ham Radio Communicators" are absolutely clueless when it comes to planning and pre-planning. No concept if things work or how things work. No concept if you repeat it till you can't get it wrong. 

For a county that is 336 square miles and basically a square you would think you should be able to communicate within the county on a simplex frequency or on a digital data frequency. Currently this group can do that but yet they want to be emergency communicators.  If you can't talk across the county 100% reliably what make you think you can talk across the state? 

I am going to keep banging my head against the wall and keep getting in peoples faces about this issue till it gets fixed. Leadership is from the top down and the bottom up and currently there is none in either direction.  

1 comment:

Oh No, Not Again said...

Don't bang too hard. ARES will never be called out in Northern Illinois. There are too many asshole politicians blocking the way.