Sunday, July 14, 2013

Grace, Professionalism and Awe

Please look at this photograph. It is a montage of portraits done for CNN about the photographers that were fired from the Suntimes. Each of these professionals are masters at their craft. I had the opportunity with my son to attend a showing of the work of these folks. I could look at their work all day. Some people I know personally, some I know from their body of work. What impressed me was the the work, the dedication and the love of what they do. Photographers both working and retired attended. Names that I had seen bylines for but was finally able to put a name with a face. 
Here are the rest of the photos I took today. Know I took them for no other reason then love and respect of these people and hope in some way I could learn from just being in the room. 
Here are the rest of the photos I shot I hope I did these professionals justice.

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