Saturday, July 27, 2013

Karen and I went to Arlington Heights today for her hair cut. I decided to do some street photography and grabbed a few shots. 

My Sexy hot wife

Lisa's smile and laugh are infectious

Young Love
Is this the demise of NewPapers? 

Just cause it was cool

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Jessie's Birthday

We went to the batting cages today and had a great time.   These photos and video were done with me p7100 and not my DSLR. It does pretty good for video. I do need to get a shotgun mic however. It would also help if I could edit a tad bit better. 



Sunday, July 14, 2013

Grace, Professionalism and Awe

Please look at this photograph. It is a montage of portraits done for CNN about the photographers that were fired from the Suntimes. Each of these professionals are masters at their craft. I had the opportunity with my son to attend a showing of the work of these folks. I could look at their work all day. Some people I know personally, some I know from their body of work. What impressed me was the the work, the dedication and the love of what they do. Photographers both working and retired attended. Names that I had seen bylines for but was finally able to put a name with a face. 
Here are the rest of the photos I took today. Know I took them for no other reason then love and respect of these people and hope in some way I could learn from just being in the room. 
Here are the rest of the photos I shot I hope I did these professionals justice.