Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Chicago Photojournalistic Disaster

For those of you who know me you know I love photography. I work as a fire inspector but I always have a camera of some sort with me. Photography is my passion, my love and for me my therapy. Today the Chicago Sun-times fired all of their photographers. It was reported that the Sun-Times wanted to go in a different direction with more multimedia. I am not going to sit here and pontificate or editorialize on the decision that was made it hurts too much. Through life I have always loved photojournalistic photos. I would look at the photo and see who shot it. I met most of these fine people a time or two and made casual friendships with a few. Today my heart is broken. The art I love was tossed away like yesterdays trash. I can say with certain fact that each person that was fired today loved their job, loved their profession, and loved they art they made. Sure at times the job was a pain but over all these artists were that artists. They have families, friends and readers that love them. I don't know what will happen long or short term with these folks. Some will retire, some will find new jobs (I hope), some may do other things. What I do know is this I learned something about the thing I loved from each and every one of them by looking at the photos they produced. Each was a gentleman and had no problem sharing their knowledge. 
Most likely I will not go out of my way to look at the Times again. I will however try to keep track of these people and hopefully learn more from them. 

You are all artists and masters of your craft. 

I just wanted you to know someone does care. 

This was just seen on Facebook. Please give it a read. It came from a photographer that I consider a friend and mentor.

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