Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Chicago Photojournalistic Disaster

For those of you who know me you know I love photography. I work as a fire inspector but I always have a camera of some sort with me. Photography is my passion, my love and for me my therapy. Today the Chicago Sun-times fired all of their photographers. It was reported that the Sun-Times wanted to go in a different direction with more multimedia. I am not going to sit here and pontificate or editorialize on the decision that was made it hurts too much. Through life I have always loved photojournalistic photos. I would look at the photo and see who shot it. I met most of these fine people a time or two and made casual friendships with a few. Today my heart is broken. The art I love was tossed away like yesterdays trash. I can say with certain fact that each person that was fired today loved their job, loved their profession, and loved they art they made. Sure at times the job was a pain but over all these artists were that artists. They have families, friends and readers that love them. I don't know what will happen long or short term with these folks. Some will retire, some will find new jobs (I hope), some may do other things. What I do know is this I learned something about the thing I loved from each and every one of them by looking at the photos they produced. Each was a gentleman and had no problem sharing their knowledge. 
Most likely I will not go out of my way to look at the Times again. I will however try to keep track of these people and hopefully learn more from them. 

You are all artists and masters of your craft. 

I just wanted you to know someone does care. 

This was just seen on Facebook. Please give it a read. It came from a photographer that I consider a friend and mentor.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day 2013

Memorial Day 2013

As a family we went to the Village of Oswego Memorial Day parade. Just some photos of the parade.   THANK YOU TO ALL VETERANS for your service. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The dog is my subject

Rusty usually doesn't complain when I take his photo. I was playing with a Speedlite, some fun foam, a couple of picket wizards and a patient dog. 

This is what I used. There have been similar devices made both professionally and DYI. I chose the cheap method. Not bad for .99 cents. 

 I do like my results. 
I was not really paying attention to my settings. 
I know the ISO was 100, The aperture was small and the lightsaber was hand held. 

Just something to do with my time to perfect a craft. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Thoughts of the last couple of days.

This week in public safety has kind of sucked. We lost Fire Fighters in Phoenix and Dallas. An F5 tornado decimated Moore OK. For the passing of the fire fighters their lives are a testament to the jobs we do and the danger that we face on a daily basis. Their deaths are a tool to teach us what went wrong and how to hopefully make sure it does not happen to any other member of a department. 
The Oklahoma Tornado was and is another story. Life loss there was larger and involved children. For this fire and life safety person the loss of children is the hardest. I can not imagine what the residents of Moore are going through. All we can do is pray, pray and pray some more. 
My best friend Jim reminded me of the Plainfield Il tornado that I responded to in 1990. The surreal devastation, the school held together with a thread that was used as a shelter. Seeing grass imbedded into the black top. All things that even now are difficult to comprehend. The best we can do as public safety people is to teach, educate and make people aware of the dangers of tornados, how to stay safe and what to do when they are bearing down on you. 
I sit and watch the ball game because the TV coverage makes me angry and ill. I hug my family tighter and tell them I love them more often. 

I will post more later. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Good day to add photographs to my blog. I need to get off my dead ass and write more.
Sitting on the couch Rusty sleeping next to me and Fredy Mercury on the TV. Girls are out doing things.