Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden is dead and I don't feel right.

Last night when going to be I saw a Tweet that President Obama was going to make a statement. After the 90 minute tease and tap dancing by the talking TV news heads it was in fact announced that Osama bin Laden had been killed in a humane way (bullet to the head in my book is pretty humane considering what he master minded with September 11th.) With Sept 11th there was fear, coming together as one voice, and a sense of patriotism. After the capture and killing of Obama there was nothing to even out the sorrow of Sept 11th. Today not even 24hrs since this raid it is business as usual.
Have we become numb at what is going on in the world? No one is screaming about gas prices, no one is screaming about the other injustices in the world. Life just goes on as a matter of fact.
Seal Team 6 and the other agencies involved kicked some very serious butt last night. I would love to some day thank them personally. For now I will just pray and thank them through God.
People we have lost our sense of what it mean to be an American and a human. For me I will hug my family tighter and thank God I am in a country that can just go on.
Go bless our servicemen and women and all of those who do what the do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well put Mark - as usual!