Saturday, October 23, 2010

Well it is about time I blog again.

I won an award for doing what I love. Yearly the Village of Addison fraternal, civic and local organizations hold a police and fire awards night. It is a very nice dinner and program. Well it turns I was presented with a citizens award for doing what I love to do is take photographs. Everyone has a niche in life and I guess mine is me and my Nikon. I have always taken photos and love to learn as much as I can about photography.
I take the photos I shoot and post them to my MAC web site for those to look and and download. I don't charge for them by any means as I do it because I love it.
I would like to thank the people that nominated me and the groups that approved the award. Doing a job you love is the first reward of life, the second in being recognized for what I do.
