Sunday, June 20, 2010

The meaning of Fathers Day

We went to the Prairie Fest parade today. It was a good time 60 groups were represented. See my Facebook for photos. This is where the story gets that feel good stage. Next to where Karen and I parked was a gentleman sitting in his car just watching the parade. He was very pleasant, we shared idle chitchat and a bottle or 2 of water. He was alone and kind of "older". I could tell by his appearance that he may have had some medical issues. The O2 tank was a give away. Anyway as the parade ended that last group was a bunch of kids and adults from a Karate school. All of a sudden there as the cry or yell of "Hey Grandpa" The old mans face lit up. It turned out that all this man wanted to do was see his grandson. He waved and was just proud. That is what fathers day is all about. Dads and Kids getting together to have fun and make each other happy.
My daughter was in the parade and I think my face lit up as this old mans face did when Karen and I saw here.
Just a thought for this fathers day...


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dog Hair

I think I just gave my vacuum an enema and got enough hair out to make 2 or 3 dogs. 45 min later my vacuum now sucks. Where does all the hair come from? Over all a good day and evening domestic chores done, photos of try drill shot and look good. Will post some here and on Facebook tomorrow.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What is a fire inspector?

The definition that I learned years ago was the inspector is a tool in the fire service that keeps occupants, residents and even more so their fellow fire fighter safe.
An inspector is the reconnaissance for fire crews before the fire and a resource after the fire to make things better in that building.
An inspector is the problem solver for the building owner, business owners and suppression crews
An inspector is flexible in tasks, time management and decision making
An inspector needs to be able to think on their feet and make decisions that impact from 1 to thousands of people.
The upmost thing is an inspector needs to be human.
This is NOT a job that lets one fulfill a power trip, sense of superiority, or a stepping stone to some political aspirations.
An inspector is one that puts their heart, soul and mind into a job, considers and realizes the outcome of their actions and does what is best for the total good and to keep their fellow firefighters safe.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Greetings to Summer

Well lets see I think I have reached a new low or high in procrastination. It has only been 6 months since my last entry. The Blackhawks have won Lord Stanly's Cup. Jessie is done with her sophomore year of high school. My parents and sister's family has visited. We are now in line for some babysitting of twin 3 year olds and a 5 year old. I will not go into the detail however to just say some people just need to be put out of our misery.  Photography wise it has been rather quiet. Investigations are down and fire prevention has gotten busier.
Will try to update more as things happen

Stay safe
