Thursday, December 24, 2009

I wrote a new blog today. Please read it.

It's Christmas time again

Another Christmas is here. Family time, stress, memories of time past and present. This Christmas so far will go down in the books of one of Love, Frustration and Anger. First off the Love is for may family and friends. The frustration and anger is directed a people who don't have a clue and treat human beings as disposable items because things are a little tough. To make a long story short last night was an emotional roller coaster for all of us. Watching Jessie say goodby to a friend who she has know all of her life was the hardest thing I believe I have ever witnessed. The friend DID NOT DIE or anything of that nature just moved away under circumstances that could of and should have been totally avoided if there was love and caring. I understand that I can not change what happened. What I can do is Love, Laugh and Care. (we love you Sarah)
Next I want to wish Merry Christmas to my friends at Addison Fire Department. It is truly a pleasure and honor to know and work with each and every one of you.
To my River Grove guys. Merry Christmas and I miss seeing you on a daily basis. Know that I am here at least cyberly.
To those of you who may be sick or on DD. May you beat whatever ailment you have and get back to doing what you love. We pray for your recovery every night and know that these things will be curred.
To those friends that I have not seen in a while may I pass along peace and Merry Christmas greetings.
And finally to my family. I love you more than life it self.
Chris is one hell of firefighter I am proud of him daily.  Stay low and move fast.
Jessie my daughter who I love so much and will do ANYTHING to protect her and make her happy.
Karen my wife, my best friend I love you will all my heart. You are the best thing in my life ever.
In closing let me say that Christmas is a time or joy. Keep your family close, pray for those who need happiness.

Merry Christmas


Sunday, December 13, 2009

I think it was a touchdown for Green Bay. Refs blew that one....
Devon Hester is out for an injury. BUT YET he is wearing one of those nasal strips. A breathing issue? Or just stupid.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Let it snow let it snow.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thinking of friends who are hurting and feeling less than adequate.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

If you are into photography look at this. What a way to spend 100 days.
If I have as much stuff as Chris I am so screwed.
Testing from pingle to all blogs.
Helping Chris move today. His own place. Very nice.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Read my blog here.....

Thoughts after travel

My family and I are finally home from a day of travel from seeing my folks. Lets see one rental car, one bus, one plane, one bus, one ride home after 70.00 to park. And that was the good part of the day.

Being with Karen and Jess were the best part of the day but I digress.

People are fu-king stupid. The morning started in the ticket line with the Clampets who decided to to repack their entire 28 suitcases because there were overweight. Oh wait the smallest Clampet topped off at 300 lbs. Thank god they were not coming to Chicago. Sorry if I offend Jed and Granny. We next venture to the flight. Very smooth very nice. Good drinks and snacks. People however are say it with me IDIOTS. Lets bring in suit cases or shall I say crap cases that are so full crap that they don't fit into the storage bin, lets talk about people that cannot follow SIMPLE instructions like sit down. Wake up people rules are ment for everyone not just those who elect to follow them. Note to women who are cute or think they are cute, being stupid and self centered is not an excuse for being stupid. As far as men you are not exempt if you have cell phone we don't care. Make you damn phone call and shut the hell up. Your life, your job, your existence does not matter that you hae a cell phone and cal talk to a 300 lb women at the other end who you think is hot and your slave. Dude get a life. Know gives a crap you have a cell phone job or thinks you are important.

Now that the rant is over time to be serious. If you have not seen the movie Blind Side. GO SEE IT!!! Yes it is sappy but it tells a deeper story of how messed up this world is and how we all have to get our collective heads out of our asses and start doing things to make this world better. Everyone should have someone to care about and care about them. I am blessed to have family and friends that I care about and care about me.
This is the season to be happy and blessed and I am.

Love to all

