Friday, June 26, 2009

Read this link

Janet Dahl has said what I feel to a "t". Please read this.

Events of the week

I am struck by the fixation of death  of "famous" people. People demanding that Micheal Jackson be buried in Gary so the town of Gary can be like Memphis with the corpse of Elvis in the dirt there. I feel nausea when I hear how people want to capitalize on the death of a person. They are DEAD!!!  I really don't think after they are dead where their remains go. Family, friends and money will dictate what happens. I know when my time comes I want a simple, dignified service without all the crap that goes with it.
There were a number of deaths that went unreported this week. Mutiple military personal, a firefighter paramedic killed while on vacation with his family. Lets think about what counts.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fathers Day 2009

The weekend is over and goes so fast. Had a wonderful weekend with Karen. It is the kind of rehab I needed. I sit quietly in my man cave just thinking, wishing and writing. In my quest to become a better photographer I am following the works of Peter Souza. He is the White House Photographer for Mr. Obama and Mr. Regan. I wish I could emulate him more is what I shoot. He must put in the longest hours in history. You can follow his work at
I know I need to shoot more and not just carry the stupid camera. I guess the better thing is the stupid photographer should shoot more. I did some this weekend and will post a couple.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


As most of you know I am in the fire service as an inspector. One of the fire fighters for my department last day of working is today. Les put in 30 that is right 30 years in one town. When I was young and only aspired to be a firefighter I dreamed of working for 30 years. Well as life would have it I most likely will never put 30 years in the fire service full time. I sit is silent respect of those people.  The knowledge that these people have, the history these folks can provide cannot be just swept under the carpet and forgotten. Shake the had of someone with that much time and tell them THANK YOU. Sit and learn from them. 
In closing Les thanks for 30 years of dedicated service. Enjoy your retirement you deserve it. Stay close however us new guys need to pick your brain every once and a while.