Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Why we do what we do.

A friend passed away this weekend and his wake was last night. I knew Deputy Chief Wally Beahan as a good guy, a techo geek, and a fire fighter. His wake was the typical walkthrough of fire fighters of all ranks. I was asked why I was going to the funeral, did I know  Wally and why I had to wait until 7pm to pay my respects after all the wake was from 3 to 9? The best answer is tradition and brotherhood. Many many people don't get that BROTHERHOOD. By participating in a walk through we are showing respect to the departed, their department, and ourselves. You dress in your Class A uniform (or as I call it monkey suit) and stand around a lot and talk to your other fire service brothers then pay your respects. The wake is a time to heal, for everyone in the brotherhood to heal.  That's just what you do. Many will never get it or understand it.
Today on the 11th anniversary of 9/11 I again relive the same feelings I have every year. Those of being empty, the loss of so many, some fear, and above all a brotherhood with all those in the fire service. 
Rest in Peace Wally, the original FDNY 343, NYPD, PAPD and those who have past directly related to 9/11. Rest easy we have it from here. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What or when is good enough?

Chris and I went to Helix camera on Saturday. Now for those of you who know me that is not unusual (OK I am a geek) however we started a conversation with one of the employees on cameras and the current state of photography. Digital had revolutionized the camera industry, but as a society of photographers we have become complacent with what is a good photo. Too many times a photo shot with a point and shoot is deemed "good enough" by the people viewing it. There is NO care for the time, effort and pride one has in the photos that they take. We are more likely say "I can fix it in photoshop". Instead using the time to fix it in photoshop make it a good photo in the camera. Composition and thought when taking a photo to me is more important than sitting in front of a computer and fixing the photo.
I am hearing and seeing in the world how media companies, newspapers and even fire departments are saying that "ahh its good enough" and not giving the time or responsibility for the photographer to produce their photo. Budgets are being cut, Iphone/cell phone photos are led on page 1 and the internet sites and good hard working professionals are left wake of get it fast get it first BUT don't go over budget or overtime. People need to stand up and say what they are seeing out there is crap!
I know there are a lot of things that are much more important that this in the world, After all we need to see who is going to win American Idol and Toddler and Tiaras don't we?
I have friends in the photography industry and hope and pray each day that things start turning around in this industry and It is good enough goes by way of the garbage heap.