Friday, April 22, 2011

Thoughts for today.

I have a day off today. As I sit in front of my computer I am touched by what life has given me. Finally after 53 years of life I am totally happy with where I am in life.
I am also sadden, disappointed by loss. Death of people that I don't know but read about touch me deeply. People that are sick that I cannot help make me mad as hell. It makes me angry that people can't step back and look at the big picture work things out and just be grownups. Penny annie bullshit greed and retro-cranial inversion (head up the ass)  is what is destroying this world.
We are only on this earth for a short time. People need to look at what they have and not what the could have or what they think they deserve. Life is not about what is theirs, what is mine and what we want. It is about service, doing what is best for the greater good.
My Wife, Daughter and Son are the best thing in my life. Life is FAMILY!!
Do me a favor and think about that.