Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Maywood responding to the report of a structure fire"

The title of todays blog is a quote from a Captain of Maywood Fire Department that if you were in Division 20 or then Division 7 was very familiar. It was the quote that would bring young photographers running, fire departments responding and men going to work under the leadership of a Captain that was all heart, one hell of a fireman and a total screwball, Frank Mennell was that guy. From the fire boots that were marked TGIF (toes go in first) to that mustache that was often copied but never the same unless it was Franks he was one of a kind.
I met Frank as a young man going to an airshow at the Dupage County Airport. He had a Nikon and he was cool. He was one of the big influences in my photography. In fact my photography got him suspended from his job for a shift or 2 because I had a shot that I was so proud of him on a ladder without his helmet. I felt like crap and Franks comment was "don't worry about it kid I like my time off" Frank could make you laugh until it hurt. In the day he and his crew saw a bunch of fire and I mean ugly fire.
My best memory is Frank one day stilling out for a fire at Proviso East. You heard "Maywood responding to a fire at Proviso East, Holy Shit Norcomm I see smoke from 17th Ave give me a 2-11" . It was a roof fire but it was the only time I heard Frank speak above normal on the radio.
Frank influenced a lot of young firefighters. Some  became good Captains, Chiefs and Fire Investigators.
The last call I worked with Frank on was and arson and explosion in the german ghetto of Maywood. I was the photographer and he was the IC. I think I laughed and learned more that night they under any other  boss.
I saw Frank a few times after he retired and he always smiled. Even after his boat blew him out of the water and burned him he still had that smile.
I will miss Frank and think of him when I have a camera in my hand or working a fire investigation.
"Maywood responding to a still alarm" we are on our way Frankie RIP.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Did some photography for me.

My son Chris and his firefighter buddies did the Oak Brook Terrace tower climb on Sunday. I decided to go shoot it and see what I came up with. Over all it was OK. I am disappointed on my results but it taught me what I need to change.

Here is the link to the photos.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday

Well I am sitting on my lucky couch and ready for the super bowl. Can I go nap? To be honest I really don't care who wins just something to pass the time. I want to just relax today and if I don't go anywhere today that would be great.
I took the photo of the girls this morning. I think it is a good shot.

Let me know what you think.
Have a great game.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Snow and oh ya more snow.

Well like everyone in the state of Illinois, I and my family have survived the snow and have even dug most of the driveway out.
Roads while snow covered and were and are passable. Work will be interesting to say the least.
Found the photo below that I thought was cool. Seems the winds were really whipping up in Winfield.

Found this sled next outside of an antique store next to the above photo. Thought it was cool.

Hopefully more tomorrow. As I was told by the experts I have a blog to feed.
