Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I went out today and tried and somewhat failed to make some art. This is what I came up with. 

 Sunset in Southern Kendal County 
 The following were taken in Yorkville along the River. I even dug out the tripod. 

I turned one black and white

Friday, December 23, 2011

Photos that I have made

Photos I shoot.
I was asked to show a new friend that is a great photographer what I shoot. 
To be honest it does not compare with most of the photographers I admire, emulate and at times copy just to see if I can make close to the same photo.
I shoot forensic photos, Fires and the like. 
I have posted some here for all to see. 

 Sunset on Lake Superior
 Putting out the Outside fire before it went inside 
 Joe in command 

 One of my mentors Dave Beach 
 This is an actor playing a crash victim THIS IS NOT REAL !!!

 My buddy Joe in his Coast Guard uniform 
Chopper and his partner Austin

I love to shoot photos of most anything. I wish there was enough time in the day to do more. 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

AFD Christmas Party 10-2-11

There was a gathering of folks from AFD that wanted to celebrate Christmas. 
Here are some photos from that gathering.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Spoo's went to the zoo today, and I tried street photography.

In an attempt to something different we went to the zoo today. Brookfield not Lincoln Park. Boy things have really changed since my last visit. The first thing we noticed was lots and lots of food. Food venders were everywhere. Heck you can even walk the zoo with a beer in your hand. The next thing we noticed was every conciveable mode of wheeled transportation. Strollers up to 4 seater, Wagons with covers, cup holders and even a built in cooler and a few wheel chairs.
Over all a good day. IT was fun and tiring but all and all had a great time.
The other thing I did was a first foray into street photography. Now I will say this I AM NOT or any where near close to or even in the same universe as Scott Strazzante expertise of street photography, but I tried and let me know what you think.

The first set of photos are just family and animals
 My girls ready for our zoo trip 

 Jessie cheesing it up for me 

 Baboon in the shade or my 4th cousin

 I gave Karen the camera she thought she worked for the Trib.

 The life of a polar bear. He just slept and floated 

 I like this shot it was the best of 30 shots. Had to turn off the auto focus to get the shot.

My girls at the end of the day.

And now for street shooting. Sorry Scott any comments would help
The first thing is yes I know the camera is not level. 

 The boots is what got my eye the over all outfit was rather interesting 

 I was waiting for this child to get dived bomb by the birds in the aviary 

Well my first time was not too bad. I did not spend a lot of time in post as I should of.

Be safe


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ride for Jordon

Here are some photos of a benefit I shot last night.