Saturday, February 7, 2009

Yes I know it has been a while. Finding time to post on a regular basis is hard. I do update Facebook but not as much as I should either.
I have been preoccupied with death of others. The 10 year old in Evanston, Eddie Schwartz, and others related to my job.
I aggree with the Mother if the 10 year old from Evanston there had to be some foul play of some sort. What is gods name could cause a 10 year old to want to kill himself?
Eddie Schwartz is a sad case. At one point he was paid so well died penniless. Dialysis and medical bills do drain a bank account but did he really need to die. I think he just gave up. Eddie had a big heart and a big ego. I think when he got bounced from LUP it was the beginning of the end.
Death is part of life but sometimes it just sucks. I love listening to radio at night. Yes I have a cheap radio next to my bed and still get excited when I hear WLW or WTMJ or any other station from out of Chicago. Thanks to the internet and an Iphone I can listen to a whole bunch of radio stations. I hate pre programmed pre packaged radio. There is no effort to it.
If you get a chance take a read on Janets Planet on I wish I could write like her...